
As ITK-snap is heavily graphics and interactive, it is generally recommended to run the program from a VGL node. However, it does reasonably well on other nodes. So if you feel you need the additional memory – running from e.g. a bigmem-node is fine ..

# – How to launch (on VGLnode / Graphics node) – #

  • Launch a terminal on the Graphics node type
  • Call the following commands in the terminal:
  • cd /dtu/3d-imaging-center/
  • . shortcuts/

# – How to launch (on other nodes) – #

  • Launch a terminal on desired node type
  • Call the following commands in the terminal:
  • cd /dtu/3d-imaging-center/QIM/itk-snap/bin
  • itk-snap

# – File type support – #
As ITK-snap is originally made for neuroimaging, the supported formats are mostly the standard medical ones:

  • Nifty (.nii)
  • DICOM (.dcm)
  • ..

Note: It can also load .tiff stacks – called generic ITK in the program. However, metadata such as voxel spacing and coordinate system information is not available in this format.

Tips and tricks for using ITK-snap

Guide: Active contouring