Quantitative analysis of large-scale 3D images is difficult and time-consuming. To help solve that issue and prevent image analysis from becoming the bottleneck in 3D imaging research we have created the QIM Platform.

Access the Qim platform


The platform allows you to access our tools and libraries while drawing on our High-Performance Computing Cluster. It provides easy-to-use interfaces for quantitative 3D image analysis, making it simple and efficient for you to visualize and analyze your images.

The platform is still in its early stages, and under development, so more features and tools will be added when new versions are released. For the moment, we have a test set of tools, divided into two categories: local and remote.

Local tools
They run on the browser but use your computer resources. They are meant as a showcase of what would be possible to do using the cluster, or as an alternative in case you’re using a computer that doesn’t have your usual tools installed. Local tools don’t require a login to be used (as they don’t increase the load on our servers)

Remote tools
They use the computational resources of DTU, so a login is necessary to access them. They are meant as an easy way to access the resources and use more complex image analysis tools with a more friendly interface. Contact us if you are interested in getting access to the remote tools.

The QIM Platform is developed as part of the QUAITOM infrastructure project – The Infrastructure for QUantitative AI-based TOMography which is supported by 11.5 million DKK from the Novo Nordisk Foundation.

Follow the link above and explore the libraries and tools on the platform! If you have any questions please reach out to us.